Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Indicators AWCs
Malnutrition in Women, Children, and Girls
4.1 – By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable, and quality primary and
secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
E2.1: Primary school (lower and higher) drop-out ratio
The below datasets can be accessed here: https://kdldashboard.iiitb.ac.in/
Dataset | Description | Availability Status |
Socio-Economic Caste Census | SECC-2011 studies the socio-economic status of rural and urban households and allows the ranking of families based on predefined parameters. | SECC |
Karnataka At Glance 2020-21 | KAG 2020-21 | |
NREGA database | – | Awaited |
Drop out survey | – | Awaited |
SATS/Mass education data | – | Awaited |