SDG 3: Good Health & Well Being


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


2.2.4 Percentage of pregnant women age 15-49 years who are anaemic (<11.0g/dI)

Children – Anaemia, Stunting, Under-weight & Wasting

Adolescent Girls – Anaemic & Under-weight

Pregnant women & Lactating mothers – Anaemia

Malnutrition in Women, Children, and Girls



3.1 – By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births

H1.1: Maternal Deaths 

H1.2: Severe Anaemia in Pregnant Women 

H1.3: Anaemic Maternal Deaths

3.2 – By 2030, end preventable deaths of new-borns and children under 5 years of age, with all
countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births

Related Datasets :

The below datasets can be accessed and queried here:

DatasetsDescriptionAvailability Status
NHFS 4National family health survey (2014-15) will provide updates and evidence of trends in key population, health, and nutrition indicators, including HIV prevalence. NFHS 4
NHFS 5The national family health survey (2019-21) will provide updates and evidence of trends in key population, health, and nutrition indicators, including HIV prevalence. NFHS 5
PDSPublic distribution system datasets include data related to Ahara and MalnutritionPDS
Election Commission RecordsAwaited
KAG (19-20) &(20-21)KAG 19-20 & 20-21